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2025 Milwaukee County Golf Players Discount Program

2025 Milwaukee County Golf Players Discount Program

Golf Discounts You Don't Want To Miss! 

By Brian Weis

Join the Milwaukee County Golf Players Discount Program to get discounted greens fees and earn loyalty points for every dollar you spend on greens fees, pro-shop merch and carts. Your points can be redeemed throughout the season for FREE rounds of golf!

Our annual (1-year) discount card is $25, 2-year card is $40, and 3-year card is $50. Once you sign up, you'll immediately receive discounted greens fees at ten Milwaukee County Golf Courses, and you'll start earning points for every dollar you spend on greens fees, cart rentals, and merchandise purchases!

Then, you'll be able to redeem your rewards points for FREE rounds of golf! Players Discount cards are good from the time of purchase through December 31 of the current year. Points do expire at the end of each season, so don't forget to use them up!

Save up to 50% on greens fees and earn rewards points for free golf! Join the Milwaukee County Golf Players Discount Program to get discounted greens fees and earn loyalty points for every dollar you spend on greens fees, cart rentals, and golf-shop merchandise.

Who can Join? Do I have to be Milwaukee Country Resident?
Any Wisconsin resident,of any age, can sign up for the Players Discount Program - everyone pays the same fee to join. Milwaukee County Residents will receive bonus points when they join.

What type of deals/benefits does it provide?
The card saves money on green fees. Savings vary depending on date/time of play but it typically only takes a few rounds played to re-coup the cost. Cardholders are also automatically enrolled into a points program. Points are earned when green fees, riding carts and/or golf merchandise is purchased. Points can be redeemed on green fees only.

Where and when can I buy a Card?
Discount cards can be purchased online at, at any of the golf courses or by calling the MKE Parks Golf Office at 414-257-8024. Golfers can purchase 1 year for $25, 2 years for $40 or 3 years for $50. The discount card is valid during the calendar year(s) and expires 12/31 of the final year purchased.

How it Works

1 - Join the Players Discount Program for one, two or three years.
Card expires at the end of the calendar year, not the date of purchase

1 Year Card = $25
2 Year Card = $40
3 Year Card = $55

2 - Immediately receive discounted greens fees at 10 Milwaukee County Golf Courses. Seniors (60 yrs+), disabled golfers, and Juniors (under 17yrs) receive even deeper discounts of up to 59% off green fees.

3 - Start earning points for every dollar you spend on greens fees, cart rentals, and golf merchandise.

4 - Redeem your rewards points for free rounds of golf!

Can you buy it as a gift for someone else? Is it transferable?
Yes, you can purchase as a gift. Discount cards are not transferable.

More Information »

Revised: 11/14/2022 - Article Viewed 7,210 Times - View Course Profile

About: Brian Weis

Brian Weis Brian Weis is the Publisher of, a network of golf travel and directory sites including,,,, etc. Professionally, Brian is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America (GWAA), International Network of Golf (ING), Golf Travel Writers of America (GTWA), International Golf Travel Writers Association (IGTWA) and The Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG). In 2016, Brian won The Shaheen Cup, an award given to a golf travel writer by his peers.

All of his life, Brian has been around the game of golf. As a youngster, Brian competed at all levels in junior and high school golf. Brian had a zero chance for a college golf scholarship, so he worked on the grounds crew at West Bend Country Club to pay for his University of Wisconsin education. In his adult years, his passion for the game collided with his entrepreneurial spirit and in 2004 launched In 2007, the idea for a network of local golf directory sites formed and was born. Today, the network consists of a site in all 50 states supported by national sites like, and It is an understatement to say, Brian is passionate about promoting golf and golf travel on a local, regional, national and international level.

On the golf course, Brian is known as a fierce weekend warrior that fluctuates between a 5-9 handicap. With a soft fade, known as "The Weis Slice", and booming 300+ drives, he can blast it out of bounds with the best of them.

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