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How To Reduce Stress Before A Tournament

By Patrick McCabe

Got a big golf tournament coming up? It can cause a great deal of stress, even for more experienced golfers! It is crucial that you are able to stay calm before a competition because golf is a sport that is as much in your head as it is on the course. Being well-prepared and practiced is the best way to stay calm before a golf competition, but there are also a few other methods to try which should help to shake off any nerves and ensure that you tee off with confidence on the first hole, such as the few below.

Spa Treatments

Spa treatments are a good option because they can prepare you both physically and mentally for the competition ahead. A massage or sauna can work wonders for your mental health while ensuring that you are feeling fresh and ready to go on the big day.

Go For A Walk

Bustle states that walking can be therapeutic and it allows you to enjoy some fresh air in beautiful natural surroundings. It is easy to get stressed when you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs, but getting out into nature will help you to stay calm and settled before a big tournament.

Watch A Film

Once you have prepared yourself for a golf tournament, it is merely a matter of killing time and trying to reduce stress. One of the most effective ways to do this is by watching a movie or two as this allows you to immerse yourself in a story fully and briefly forget about what lies ahead.

Online Betting

Similarly, a good way to keep your mind focused on something else is to use an online betting website like Unibet. It can be a good distraction for a few hours, and it can be simple and straightforward to set up and start placing bets on sports to take your mind off of things.

Listen To Music

Many athletes like to listen to their favorite music just before performing as a way for them to focus and get in the right frame of mind for competition.

Eat A Good Meal

To perform at a high level, you will need to have the right fuel and eating a nutritious meal be-fore a tournament can also be helpful for reducing stress. Nerves can shrink your appetite but it is essential to eat well before performing, and you are sure to feel much better with a full stomach. You can get suggestions for meals from places like Livestrong.

Visualize Success

Positive visualization can be incredibly powerful when it comes to sport. People often begin to feel nervous because they picture everything that could go wrong, and this often turns out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy because their nerves get the better of them. Visualize yourself succeeding to fill yourself with confidence when you tee off.

The time before any golf tournament is always difficult no matter if it is your first or your fiftieth. Once you are prepared, it is all about staying calm before teeing off which is easier said than done, but trying a few of the above could help you to reduce nerves and help you to perform at a high level.

Revised: 01/03/2019 - Article Viewed 10,896 Times

About: Patrick McCabe

Patrick McCabe Pat McCabe, a former University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee basketball shooting guard, can pop a three pointer from beyond the arc and sink birdie putts from the fringe.

Pat is a regular golf contributor to, and

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